Wednesday, 28 September 2011

We're half way there (queue the music JBJ)

Today, team two comes in. There are only two airplanes that come through Pohnpei. One connecting flight from Hawaii and the other connecting from Guam. Though I don't know team two's specific itinerary, I know they will arrive here in Pohnpei around 1pm (as do all the other Flights from Hawaii arrive every week). With the arrival of team two comes another pediatric cardiologist, her husband whom is an emergency medicine doctor, and another ultrasonographer. Mike and Lori will be heading home soon and I will stay with team two to finish out the trip.

Last night at dinner, we were talking about our hotel room. Yes, it's nice and very unique. Yes, it has won awards for Eco-tourism. Yes you will never find anything like it back home in the states. But man, is it stressful. If the constant jungle noise of shrieks and shrills don't get you, the rustling of the branches and the darkness will. I hear noises throughout the night but I can't see anything because foe the dim light. Naturally, my imagination runs wild and just conjure the most bizarre things. Any who, I try really hard not to think, or look, for anything and just go about my business.

I had an especially hard time sleeping last night. And then ambien came to save my day :)

Ok, well time to go eat breakfast! Will update later tonight. Cya!

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